香港首款零糖伏特加蘇打水的內幕: ONLY飲料公司的獨家專訪
ONLY Beverages「Guava Hibiscus番石榴木槿伏特加梳打」
"ONLY Beverages 全新Guava Hibiscus番石榴木槿伏特加梳打,為一度斷市的ONLY Vodka Soda系列帶來全城期待的第三款清新口味。全新Guava Hibiscus番石榴木槿伏特加梳打結合番石榴的誘人果香和木槿的獨特味道,果味更濃郁。"
Best Sips: 5 drinks we loved this week
"I’m not usually a vodka girl, butONLY Vodka Sodagot me at 0 sugar, 0 carbs and 0 gluten. With my attempts to be health-conscious about my diet, a low-fat alcohol beverage is definitely appealing. I loved their previous Yuzu Ginger and Tahitian Lime flavours, so I had to try out their latest, Guava Hibiscus. The sweet and flowery scent mixed with hints of fruitiness make for an extremely refreshing drink."
How canned cocktails dominated the bar scene
"Since health-conscious hard seltzers have an abysmally small market share here, the category is ripe for expansion. Jonathan Der and Flora Ma, co-founders of Only Beverages, are filling that gap with Hong Kong’s first zero-carb, zero-sugar alcoholic drink."
Guava Hibiscus Flavour Vodka Soda By Only Beverages
"Finally we welcome a new vodka soda flavour by Only Beverages, Guava Hibiscus! Grab a can or two now here in Hong Kong at 4.5% alc/vol. and only 80 calories. They also have two other flavours to choose from, Tahitian Lime and Yuzu Ginger."
消暑新飲料 玩味清爽可口 原文網址:消暑新飲料 玩味清爽可口
"去年首次登陸香港的即飲酒精飲品品牌ONLY Beverages,其Vodka Soda系列曾一度斷市,受歡迎程度可想而知,最近品牌再下一城,推出全新Guava Hibiscus番石榴木槿伏特加梳打,富番石榴的果香與木槿的獨特味道,果味更濃,甜味亦更突出。"
"如果你身邊有一班酒鬼朋友,一定要為他們提供ONLY Beverages推出的「ONLY Vodka Soda」啦!這款全港首罐零糖、零碳水化合物,天然風味的優質罐裝伏特加梳打共有兩個味,包括大溪地青檸味(Tahitian Lime)及柚子薑味(Yuzu Ginger)。"
罐裝派對:會見Only Beverages的創始人Jonathan Der和Flora Ma
聖誕派對遊戲2021丨6大Party Game推介:簡單易玩輕鬆破冰炒熱氣氛!
"由ONLY Beverages推出的罐裝伏特加梳打,主打零糖、零碳水化合物,每罐酒精濃度為 4.5%,卻只有80卡!ONLY Vodka Soda 更提供兩款口味:大溪地青檸味及柚子薑味,每款均以梳打水、天然香料及經5次蒸餾的Vodka,無糖也不影響風味!"
如何健康地飲酒?ONLY Vodka Soda用五次蒸餾伏特加罐裝即開!
"如何健康地飲酒?這個議題說出來都有點搞笑,但的確在這個人人都要減肥、人人都要健康的時候,既然要豪飲,倒不如飲一些對身體沒有太多負面影響的酒類飲品,ONLY Vodka Soda可能是大家今時今日的首選。"